Friday, December 31, 2010

Cheers to 2011

Happy New Year 2011 peeps!

Wishing all of you a blasting year ahead, and good luck with the resolutions you’ve made (and not made)!

Hey but no matter what happens, just be Thankful we’ve got another good year ahead, only if you choose it to be….so make it so!!!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Thank God is another year!

Hi peeps! How was your Christmas celebration? Hope everyone had a great one…and a responsible celebration, perhaps?

Well, mine was rather different this year. Promised myself I was not gonna get drunk, and I didn’t…YAHOO!!!! *God must be very, very pleased with me*. Nah, don’t think it’s got anything to do with my age…just felt like a nice quiet Christmas with family and close friends, and also trying to really enjoy the company around. It was good.

It was also the right time as I took on this moment to reflect upon what I have been up to my entire life…have I gone out there and do the things I wanna do? Am I really satisfied with the way my career path had gone? Could I have done more? Could I have raced more? Did I really conquer all obstacles and mountains?

And of course with the impending 2011 drawing close, I am sure most of us are wondering…”where the fark did the year go? What have I achieved?”

Does it matter? More importantly, I think, in my humble opinion, is this…have we been Thankful for all the good things (and bad) in our lives? Good or bad, they all serve a lesson for us, and have we learned from it? Have we appreciated these lessons? Or have we merely taken the good ones for granted? And only complained about the bad stuffs that had been going on in our lives? How about people around us – whether you like or hate certain people – they were all put in our lives for a reason. Have we been taking our body and health for granted – exercising like there’s no tomorrow *AHEM! EA, do you copy this…hahaha*

I also questioned myself – have I been Prayerful …consistently, with all my heart? Whatever religion or your beliefs maybe, have you been too? It’s worked for me…all my life! And even when all around me looks bleak, I just pray….and that is one thing that ain’t gonna change for me.

As another New Year draws close, don’t question what the future holds. Whatever it may be, believe that it will be good and one hell of a ride…only if you allow it to be and learn to see all possibilities (and impossibilities!) as the greatest lesson of your lifetime. Enjoy it, don’t question it but embrace the journey ahead!

Have a Blessed Xmas and a Blasting 2011!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Shit me not!

In a recent meeting:

PB: We all agreed that black is gonna be your corporate colour.

CLIENT: But you have not showed me pantone for black yet!

PB: *blink blink*…Errr…that is because black is black…there is no pantone for black…*stupid bitch!*

CLIENT: How come there is no pantone? Why is it that when I send my BMW, which by the way is a 7-series, for re-spray, they can show me all kind of black and mix whatever colour I want?

PB: *does anyone hv a gun in the room now?*…Hmmm….*How do I explain this without making her look stupid?*…Look, we have standard pantone colour chart, we just don’t ‘mix’ the colour on our computer.

CLIENT: How about grey then? I want to see the pantone colour for grey.

AAARRGGHHHHH…….This is why I was supposed to have retired…I am really getting too old for this shit….

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Retire NOW!


“Dear xxx,

Please find attached herewith 3 different designs for your name card.

Please note that the copy is not final yet as we would like you to select the final design before we finalized the copy at FA stage.

Kindly provide your feedback as to which design is your preference and we will proceed to finalized design and copy at FA stage.

Thanks, PB ”


“Dear PB,

I am so disappointed. Where are the words?”



AAARRGGHHHHHHH!!!!! YES I BLOODY HIT THE FARKING ROOF!!! Which part of my e mail did the client NOT get? Good Gawd!

And this is why, yet again, I am THAT close to retiring COMPLETELY. No need to deal with all the stupidity and ignorance…..BREATHE PB! BREATHE PB!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hey papa!

Hey peeps! Yah…my blog’s been quiet for a week plus now. No…I am NOT dead, but busy. My mind was pre-occupied as my dad got admitted to hospital last week for a mild heart attack. Got the whole family panicked and was just keeping him company and making sure everything was ok.

Well, he was discharged yesterday but not exactly with a clean bill of health. He’s got to go for another full check-up to determine if he needs a pace maker.

And this incidence actually got me thinking ….my dad is really not young anymore…I forget how old he is sometimes…I always remember my dad as the young father who use to attend all my sports activities, and read books with us.

But, anyhow, no matter what, I am just glad and thankful to God for being with him and giving my dad the strength to stay strong.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Time After Time

Ahhh…it’s THE TIME of the year…again…

1) Time for Christmas shopping…and I seriously hope no one gets me anymore Xmas Candy sticks this year, plssssssss!

2) Time to reflect upon the year that’s almost over

3) Time to re-examine ourselves…what we have done to make a difference in someone’s lives ….and I mean it in both good and bad ways!

4) Time to check our bank account…hmmm…wonder if fat bonus cheque is coming our way soon cos of point 1 above

5) Time to consider job change, perhaps….although this does not affect me since I run my own little outfit anyway…BUT then again…what has happened to my semi-retirement???

6) Time to check against all the 2010 so-called-New-Year-resolutions…errr…seriously…forget about checking it cos none of the resolutions probably happened! I can certainly bet “Losing weight” was probably on your New Year resolution list year after year after year…….

Time after time, year after year…you probably realize the check-list never quite change….

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I am not DEAD!

Nope, Psycho Bitch is not dead and neither is my blog! Got some people asking why my blog have been so quiet…well…I have been BUSY…WITH WORK lol! Yes, yes, I am supposed to be semi-retired…but is funny how when client realized that when they have only couple weeks left to 2011, suddenly they are rushing ALL the bloody work which they have been sitting on for the longest time….

I should be lazing around, shopping, having coffee and scones at odd hours….

What happened to my semi-retirement???

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Berry vs Apple

Malaysia just launched the iPad on Tuesday…and gosh! The queue and the rush!!! Honestly I am not an Apple fan at all. Have been looking out for other tablet myself and being a strong supporter of Blackberry, found the Blackberry Playbook pretty impressive.

Check this video out….and watch how two fruits can pit against each other!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

BJ, anyone?

A heart-shocking incident happened just the other day over dinner with my 12 year old nephew, YZ:

YZ: Hey auntie M, just wondering now that the school holidays are here, do you think I can play a game? *smiles sheepishly*

PB: What game you want to play la? No more online games ah…

YZ: Well…am wondering if I can play BJ?

*yes, people, you read it right, he said “BJ”!!!!

*For a moment, I am thinking….Oh dear…did he REALLY mean BJ as in THE BJ? I mean he is after all 12…u know...the puberty thingy kicking in and all….hmmmmm….How do I ask to make sure it is NOT the original BJ….

PB: Errr….why do you want to play BJ ah? And by the way, you DO know what is BJ, right?

YZ: Halllloooooo…..of course I KNOW what a BJ is. We were playing it in school during the last few days of school…duh!

PB: *WTF!!!!*….Oi…what do you mean you were playing BJ in school??? Who taught you how to play BJ!!!

YZ: Whoa Aunty, why you reacting like that ah? Is only BJ…We can play together…hehehe

PB: WHAT!!!!!

YZ: Is easy la…you get the cards ready and we can play!

PB: Cards? What cards?

YZ: *slapped his forehead*…helllooooo…playing cards…else how to play Black Jack? Sheesh!

Ah….then it dawned on me…BJ = Black Jack….oorrrrrr…I seeee…a little heart-attack there, but then again I should have been more prepared. After all, he is growing up….fast…..

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Knock knock ...who's there?

I received this weird sms from my sister just this morning regarding my neighbour’s house renovation. But before I reveal that sms to you, a little bit of background about the renovation:

This young couple with daughter bought the house next to ours and started renovating like almost 5 months ago…*seriously, there was NO major work, just the normal tearing down walls, building in cabinets and re-tiling the outside…you get my drift …the standard renovation stuffs….but 5 FARKING MONTHS???Why am I uptight about it? Well:

1. I took only 3 months to renovate my place, and mind you, my renovation work had way lots more done up

2. I was consistently checking on my contractor and my ID every day….almost every other hour nearing completion…cos I had agreed with my neighbours that I will finish my reno quick so as not to inconvenient them…which my guys promptly did deliver in 3 months.

Where am I going with this?

1. My beloved new neighbor had promised that all KNOCKING, DRILLING work will be done by HARI RAYA 2010…Up till now, I still hear that wee bit of KNOCKING and DRILLING!....AND because I work from home, this ain’t helping, huney! (I sent a not-so-nice sms to my beloved neighbor)

2. The agreement was NOT TO WORK on weekends…guess what…in the last 3 weekends, their contractor had sneakily worked…AARRGGHHHH!!! (I sent a not-so-nice sms to my beloved new neighbor)

And I thought all will be over soon, when he sent MY SISTER a sms last Monday informing us that he will be moving in on Nov 29…YAY!!!...

*HMMMM…I should be happy, right? I looked out into their house and told my sister this – “the farking house is still not painted”, “all the tiles are still NOT laid”, “And there are still major knocking going on”….really, I don’t think they are gonna make it in on Nov 29, 2010!*

AHA! I was right, when I received this sms this morning which was FORWARDED to me by my sis, and it reads:

“Hi Miss XXX, Can you pls help me to inform your sister that we won’t be able to move in on Nov 29. It will have to be sometime in Dec 15. Pls tell her we are very sorry about it. Thx”

I must have really scared him off in the last few months with all my sms-es…but another 2 farking weeks!!!!! ….BREATHE PB, BREATHE…….It will be over….soon…

p/s: Just checked on his contractors, they are nowhere to be seen….and they are normally NOWHERE to be seen in the afternoons….and you wonder why his renovation is taking soooo long to complete…..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hellooo....anyone there?

Have you ever come across people like this – is ok if they don’t reply your e mails/messages/sms…BUT all hell breaks loose IF you fail to respond to THEIR calling by just one day or slightly delayed for whatever reasons?!!!

Well, I recently had one of those moments with one of my clients….AAARRGHHHH!!!! There is no way I can EVER get her to respond even when I specifically mentioned “YOUR IMMEDIATE RESPONSE IS MUCH APPRECIATED”. And there was even a case where she had used the all-time famous excuse…”I am sorry but I NEVER got your e mail, that is why I didn’t respond” (when clearly EVERYONE else cc-ed on the SAME e mail received it PLUS my numerous sms reminders!!!)

And of course the last straw happened this morning, hence this bitch blog…she had sent me an e mail LAST NIGHT (note: PB no longer check work e mails at night cos is not a farking working hour!), obviously I only read the e mail this morning. Well, before I could respond to it, I received another e mail this morning with this “CAN YOU PLS RESPOND?”

And at times, I wonder if we are speaking in dog and cat language?????

Hmmmm….here I am now thinking, perhaps I SHOULD be sending her e mails at night, THEN follow up with ANOTHER e mail the very next morning PLUS a sms……hmm…perhaps….

Monday, November 22, 2010

Wet and soaked at 3am

Yup that is our famous Penang Bridge that you are looking at, and this Psycho Bitch just got back from Penang Bridge International Marathon, did my usual 21km. Every run and race that I go for has its own kind of challenges, and this was no different too:

1. The run started at 3am….*many of us are sleeping at that godly hour, and probably having sweet dreams with Hugh Jackman! OK, Hammy 3, stop sniggling!*

2. It didn’t help when heavy rain and thunderstorm, plus strong winds picked up as we were approaching the incline of the bridge – think running in the swimming pool!…*Dear God, I know I prayed for cool weather…but heavy rain and thunderstorm????you gotta be kidding me!*

I realized no matter how many races or how many times I do a 21km, funny things still happens to you, post-race, like these:

* Having walked back to Vistana Hotel from Queensbay Mall (where we started the run), thinking it was only a stone’s throw away, when it was actually a good 3 km walk!...*brain not connecting well with distance at all*

* When your IT Band starts to feel like they belong to a 3 year old’s legs….*super super shortened!*

* When my quads and hamstrings refuse to talk to me anymore, and going down a staircase is a living HELL!!!...*Even my granny could have gone down the flight of stairs in a jiffy*

* Sitting on a toilet bowl post race…hmmm…and trying to get up after that..hmmm….

* But nothing beat this classic response from Cosmo, when Hammy 3 and I met her for post race coffee:

HAMMY 3: Eh Cosmo, what do you call a baby lion ah?

COSMO: A seal!

*silence….tweet, tweet, tweet…*

PB: Is a CUB! Cosmo!

COSMO: Ohhh…oops….hehehe….

Yes, both Cosmo and I blamed it on the farking heavy rain and thunderstorm during the run! We didn’t only loose our insanity but also our brains…..*ok peeps…let’s check when is the next race, shall we…wink*

Monday, November 15, 2010

Skyline...or no story line?

I caught this movie with Hammy 3 and EA last week.

The verdict ? Think we were better off just watching the trailer.

The movie appears like it just started from the mid section.

There was no story build up.

There was no storyline as to why the aliens came…we were left to some guesswork at the end of the movie…*hmmm…ahhh…they needed our brains to survive… I think…?*

The characters were all not properly developed. It looked like the director and screenwriter just decided to get some “not so well-known guys” together and do a college project.

The movie looked like it was made up from few other movie scenes, e.g

*Scene where the spaceship appears from amongst the clouds – just like Independence Day

*Scene where the fighter jets fighting with the aliens – just like Independence Day…and maybe bits of Star Wars

AAHHH…and not forgetting Cloverfield too!

But guess they probably spent ¾ of their budget on the trailer and special effects that they could not afford a better screenwriter.

Or this was probably one of Hollywood’s filler movie….

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Orgasmic Burn

Part 2 of my BIG ‘O’ blog and today is all about how healthy it is to orgasm…*yes…we can all do with a LOT of that!*

Fact no 3:

BIG ‘O’ is found to be good for the heart…YAY! So, for some of us who doesn’t have time to hit the gym for some major cardiovascular workout, at least try to get some sex and climax….cos it will release the hormones DHEA into our bloodstream and it helps keep our arteries and heart strong.

Fact no 4:

Ladies, you will be glad to know that regular orgasm will help strengthen our vaginal muscles and also strengthen our pelvic floor muscles….*AHEM! Trust me…the guys will be happy to know how tight we can get after much orgasm and practice! HAHAHAAA!*

Of course, God is fair – as much as he has given us the opportunity to keep our ‘parts’ healthy, the same is offered to the men – regular orgasm will help our boys lessen the risk of prostate cancer.

So, who else wanna join me and say ‘YAY’ to Orgasm for a Healthy Body?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Orgasmic Speed

I am dedicating this week’s blog to the BIG ‘O’…not Oreo lah…but ORGASM!

Thought I’d share some interesting facts about the BIG ‘O’. So, for today, here goes:

Fact no 1:

Let’s start with definition: Orgasm is derived from the Greek word ‘orgasmos’, which also means to swell with lust!

Fact no 2:

The speed of ejaculation for men during the BIG ‘O’ is about 28mph! (wow! That’s almost like driving on certain stretch of Penchala Link at abt 60km/h!!). And dig this, sperm travels 1 ½ inches every 15 minutes….hmmm…fast swimmers? *

Hmmm…some food for thought the next time when you watch your man climax.…haahahaha!

*Source: Kinsey Institute

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Italia ...amore mio!

Italy! Hmmm….after watching Eat Pray Love, I just want to pack my bag and get my ass there….Paris, Venice, Verona…….Personally, I think Italy is one the single greatest repositories of sensorial pleasures on earth. From art to food, stunning to varied countryside, to flamboyant fashion, Italy has it all!

At the mention of Italy, images of hot cappuccino (by the way, I also found out that Italians drink 600 cup/head/year…hmm perhaps that probably explains their warmth and exuberating behavior!), pasta, spaghetti, side-walk cafes, football team….and err…of course the hawt hawt Italian men! Their beautiful architectural building found in Verona, Pisa Cathedral, Leaning’ Tower of Pisa, Colosseum.

Even their names sounds so bloody sexy…”Raphael”, “Rossini”, “Verdi”, “Castiglione”……and all the “inni”s and broccoli-sounding names!

By the way, did you know that Italy means “land of young cattle”? (aha! I can do with some ‘young cattle’…hehehe…Italian ones…and I don’t mean those who roam the fields!)

And if I am gonna head up to Italy, I might was well start learning to pronounce some of these:

1) Amore Mio – my love….*hey you never know when it will come in handy in case I picked up some young cattle*

2) Dolcezza – honey/sugar - *for the same reason above…and I sure hope they were not referring to the food itself*

3) Delizia – delicious one - *again, for the same reason above…and am not referring to the food*…HAHAHAHA!

Such sexy language, isn’t it? But, whatever the language may be, regardless, if I pronounced it right or not, I am sure nothing would beat the body language that none of us could possibly get wrong! After all, terms of endearment may not necessarily be limited to the spoken language only…..hehehe! *wink*

Too many cooks spoiled my toast

How many people does it take to make ONE O’Brian’s Sandwich…*and mind you it was a simple sandwich*…Well, in my case….8 of them, and it took them a good 15 minutes to get me my freaking sandwich!

You could be wondering what the 8 people were doing. It took:

*2 of them to take my order…*of which I had to repeat my order 3 times “Chicken crisp sandwich, no tomatoes, and very toasted”

*3 of them (the same 2 who took my order) to make my simple chicken crisp sandwich

*another 3 of them to take my payment

*from the same 2 who took my order (and also made my sandwich), one of them was cutting the tomatoes like they were in pain….she was cutting it soooo blooodddyyy slow, even the tomatoes are probable yelling “can you finish me up quickly???!!!!” (NOTE: I DID SAY “NO TOMATOES”…hmmmmm)

*another 1 person to have my bread toasted

*another 1 person who was just messing around with the cling wrap, and them get my wrapper ready to place my sandwich in

By the time, I got my sandwich, they were 15 minutes late, had my order wrong…and oh, did I mention that I was the ONLY CUSTOMER AT THAT TIME???

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Naming it right

Over an SMS recently…..

ME: Hey! One my nails colours got smudged ahhh!!!!

JESSEY: Errr…..and what has that got to do with me going to Phuket??

ME: Ha?! You are going to Phuket? Thought you just came back from Bali? Why didn’t you tell me when I was doing manicure just now?

JESSEY: Ehhh…I was at Bali like 2 months ago. I do take holidays!

ME: So, how now, my nails? I hv a dinner tomorrow night la

JESSEY: Ok, what has your chipped coloured nail got to do with me going to Phuket?

ME: Can I come by later to fix it?

JESSEY: Errr…since when I started fixing your nails? Eh … ok ka?

ME: *DID SHE JUST CALL ME SIS???* *chweet* *chweet*….Jessey, right?

JESSEY: Yes sis, is me your sister, Jessey. What the hell are you talking about?

ME: *slaps forehead*

Yes, I was that BLURRR….I had accidentally sent this sms to my sister, who also happens to have the same name as my manicurist. Well, maybe I should have been more specific when I saved their numbers…instead of *Jessey 1* and *Jessey 2*….LOL! Thank God it wasn’t anything sexual or lewd…..PHEW!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stop..and wonder...

Have you ever stopped and wonder why …..

1) …do people drive at 40km/h when the speed limit is clearly 80km/h?

2) …do people refuse to use their signal lights when it was clearly installed for our own bloody safety!

3) …do people attempt to cut the queue when there is a bloody farking long line at the counter?

4) …do people not read when there is a sign marked “Please queue here”…..and it is right in their face!

5) …do people park at places with yellow line ….and THEN lament that their car have been towed…*and then have to find their way to some God-forsaken place to claim their cars*

6) …do people complain that they exercise so hard, can’t loose weight, and that they have nasi lemak for breakfast every bloody day….*do you SEE what is wrong with this peekcha??*

…and the list can go on and on and on…but I guess I will never have an answer. Oh well, this is when I say to myself…”let it go cuz it is not my problem!”

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Stupid" on my face

An incident happened to me at Bangsar Village 2 on Sunday. Bangsar Village 2 would normally have a parking attendant waiting to help you by the ticket machine, as you enter. Well, that day was no different. The chap was very helpful, making sure he pressed for the parking ticket and helping some drivers swiped their TNG card.

Then came my turn, not expecting the chap to help me *really, I am quite capable of pressing for my own ticket*. Although I took my own ticket, I thought I’d be nice and say thank you to the chap…guess what his reply was…..*drum roll……..ta da!* ….”WELL DONE, MISS!” I know the guy is not local but really….”WELL DONE?????”

The last I checked, I didn’t have STUPID written all over my forehead nor did I look retard…..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekend...what weekend?

Yeah!!!! TGIF! So, that should be the feeling for anyone…but not for PB. As much as I would LIKE to think I have the weekend to chill, it ain’t gonna happen, huney…*sob* *sob*. My crazeeee 2 weeks hasn’t ended, in fact the crazeeee-ness is about to begin again, as I prepare for 2 big farking meetings….on Monday and Tuesday (which means is a working weekend babe! OOHHHH…..Can you so feel my excitement *frowns*)

All, right, I may not have my weekends to chill but anyhow here’s to all of you …have a great weekend, enjoy it with your family and friends!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sun, sea, bois!

This is EXACTLY where I want to be NOW! It’s been a crazy 2 weeks, and I am supposed to have been semi-retired (ok ok Hammy 3, stop sniggling at me..:-p)

I can feel exhaustion settling in, and looking at this picture now…I may just pack my bag and fly off!....and perhaps start my own mama mia resort or maybe own a nice beach bar where I just laze whole day and watch hunks fly by in their really HAWT swim trunks under the sweltering hot sun….hmmm…yummy…….!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Think, damn it!

2 funny incidences happened to me today…one of those that makes you wonder if people are ACTUALLY thinking, or if they ever do use that thing between their shoulders.

Well, the first incidence occurred after my RPM at the club. I returned my towel card to one of the front desk girls, in order to get back my membership card. Then I realized “oh new girl…PLS Lord…let her be smart!”…and before I can even get past that thought, I caught her staring at the towel card for a good 3 seconds, then she reached towards a stack of ICs (which by the way are kept as a ‘entry card’ for visitors who are trying out the club for first time)….and I am thinking “why is she looking for my membership card THERE??”..hmmmm….then she pulls out an IC for me….”Yours ah?”….*slaps my forehead*….it was an IC of an old balding man!!!!!! REALLY, the last I checked, I still had my blonde hair and I certainly have not had any sex change!

The second happened when Hammy 3 and I went to Starbucks to grab a drink after dinner:

PB: Hi, can I have an Ice Shaken Lemon Tea, grande pls?

STARBUCK STAFF: Would you like it hot?

PB: *Blink, blink….hello…doesn’t Ice Shaken means is COLD?*errr… I said ICE Shaken, don’t think is gonna be HOT!

Well, I don’t know what is wrong with the society, and I certainly don’t think my standards and expectations are that high, although I may be just wee bit OCD…but honestly, doesn’t anyone think anymore……

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Beyond reasons

People come into our life for a reason, or many reasons for some of us.

For me, there are those who have come and gone, some are still around. But they have all come by during moments when I needed some guiding light or as some of us may say “they were sent by divine intervention”…*and I don’t mean the ghost whisperer sort*

Let’s see, there was JT, who came at the point when I was going thru my silly little mid-life crisis 3 years back – JT obviously took me out of my advertising world and showed me that there is ‘life after advertising’…and I have no regrets about walking out of my job then…it’s been, well so far, a great ride!

Then, came Hammy 3, the most unlikely person whom you think I’d make friends with. Hammy 3 and I got to know each other thru RPM when I was assigned to him as his trainee…*much to his dismay cos he REALLY wanted a much HAWTER MALE trainee, and not a psycho like me*. But somewhat, I am now very sure Hammy 3 was put into my life to keep me on my toes about decisions I make. And I can so hear these coming from Hammy 3 right now:

*You are supposed to be semi retired! Why are u killing yourself with so much work?*

*No more outdoor this week…haven’t you had enough of RPM classes this week???*

*No no, that man is mine…go find yours…hur hur hur…* (yeah, Hammy 3 and I somehow have the same taste in men)

Yah, Hammy 3 is definitely placed in my life to make sure I don’t get myself into some mischief…especially where men are concern..kekeke…

And of course, there is LB…my ‘brotha’. The sane one (hopefully) and my pillar of strength. Funny tho, cos I have actually known LB for about 3 years, but it is only in the recent 2 years that we have become so close. And I realized it is also in these 2 years when shit was hitting the fan for me, he was there to offer much counseling and like Hammy 3….to watch over my mischief! (not forgetting how he saved me from my KLCC stalker too!)

EA! Hmmm…how can I forget EA! The crazeeeeee-iest woman I have ever known when it comes to exercise…*if she ate ONE fishball, she will have to do 3 classes to burn it off..hahaha*. Why was she put into my life? Think it was God’s plan for me to sort her out…and make her understand that it is ok to EAT and Be Happy…and EA…if you are reading this, you don’t have to kill yourself in the gym to burn one fishball…..LOL!

I have also come to understand that it is ok when certain people have left me because their reasons to be with me probably has ended *they were sent to do what they were supposed to at the right time, unknowingly perhaps, and when their job is done, is time to move on*

For those who are still around me, for whatever reasons, I can only pray and hope that your ‘reasons’ with me will never end, because good friends are hard to come by these days.

So, thank you guys! This is my humble tribute to you on my special day, 14 October!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Baby, Baby, Baby OOOOOHHHHH....

“Say Hello to Bieber Dolls”…..huh? yeah this headline caught my eye this morning as I was browsing the news for more intelligent stuffs.

The 16 year old apparently will be launching his line of dolls and it comes in 2 sets of dolls: the Justin Bieber Music Video Singing Figures that plays a 30-second snippets of hits like “Baby” and “One Less Lonely Girl”, and the other is JB Style Collection which will feature him in his various fashion styles as seen in his music videos and red-carpet appearances!

*ok, let’s be REALLY honest here…personally, I don’t think the boy has any vocal power and he sounds like a freaking small boy!! *

Good gawd! WTF were they thinking…. first we had Ken, now Bieber dolls…who on earth would buy him…hmmmm…errrrr…wait I think the young screaming tweens and teenagers, perhaps, the Happy people?

What’s next for Bieber? His own skin care line…..ISH!

And this for you ladies and gentlemen, is commercialism in motion for you…irregardless of how they sound, as long as they have ‘commercial value’, it will sell!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Timing or Taiming?

Was watching Leverage on AXN this afternoon, and it was hilarious when a subtitle came up for this line - “You have to get the timing right”. Guess what the translation to that was?? ….”Kita mesti dapat TAIMING yang….”…..Since when Timing (Eng) = Taiming (BM)…Helloooooo, did I miss the memo about new BM. Has BM changed that much since I left school? Seriously, who let that slipped out on national TV?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I am not fat, just depressed!

I was watching Oprah couple of days back and she was discussing the issues on teenage obesity in USA. It was a very touching episode as she interviewed a number of obese teenagers – reasons that lead to their obesity and I was not surprised (having been a very very fat person once myself!) at some of the reason that came about, amongst which were:

1. Lack of self-confidence….*ooohhh…these horrible thoughts like...”I am not pretty/good-looking enough”, “why can’t I look like these models in Vogue” , so I might as well binge myself to death!”

2. “Food is my best friend” ….*have we not all been there before at some point in our life?*

3. Parents who were constantly feeding them with all kind of shit without control…*and you guys should see the parents themselves….hmmmm…*

4. They eat when they are emotional like when they are scared, facing exams, lonely, stressed…*think some of us ARE STILL going thru this stage!*(ahem! Earth calling EA, Hammy 3, LB!!!!)

I guess there will be many reasons why we overeat, but it is all about control and the ability to find ways to cope with issues in our lives. We can always reach for those bar of chocolates when we PMS or had a really bad break-up, as long as we know when to stop. And it is a combination of mental strength and looking for other ways to help cope with the issues in our lives, for example, how about knowing that there is a certain Higher authority whom we can place our burdens with? I know I have trusted Him with all my problems….you just need to go find your own outlet.

At the end of the day, who will pay the price for it? Our body, our mental health, our physical outlook will have to suffer for it, if we don’t learn or teach the younger ones out there that there are ways to tackle all these issues.

Sad, so sad to see where these kids are now…..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Have you washed your hands?

Good Monday everyone!

I was at one of my favourite cafĂ© this morning, waiting to pick up my power smoothies. At the next table was this couple – middle-aged guy with a young Indonesian wife and a 2 year old girl. Good looking couple, well-spoken and you can see the love and attention poured over their little girl.

It was when they were leaving that this conversation really caught my attention, when the mom called the girl over:

Mom: Dear, come, come…you need to wash your hands. We are leaving.

*The girl runs over to her mom…*….but guess what, instead of taking her to wash her hands….the mom “washed” her hands with a sanitizer!!

Ok, you must be wondering what is wrong with using sanitizer? Really, nothing is wrong, but THAT is not WASHING! And can you imagine what the girl will be conditioned to understand the true meaning of WASHING.

(Definition of washing: is one way of cleaning, namely with WATER, and often some kind of soap and detergent!)

HELLO!!! Washing is NOT.THE.SAME as using a sanitizer.

I may be OCD…but this surpasses my understanding. But all parents have their own way of bringing up their kids…as long as they are happy with the outcome…J

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The 'Ball' that never came

DAMN IT! ISH! FARK! EEEyeeerrrrrr…..the “hawt ball” WHO was supposed to turn up yesterday did not make it to the workshop…!!!!!...hmmm….just when I thought I could have gotten some eye-candy and ‘possi-Ball’ action yesterday in the midst of the workshop that was totally 90% practical…

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Playing with Balls

Ok, guys…you will not be hearing from me for next two days. Why? I will be away messing around with some balls. PB have signed up for 2 day Complete Ball Training as part of my Continuing Education Credits for my ACE (nope, it has nothing to do with ‘that’ sort of ball!....hmmm…although I have been told of a certain hot-model-like guy who will be at this training too!).

So, have a good weekend ahead. Psycho Bitch Chronicles shall return next week!

In the mean time, excuse me, while I figure out which ball to focus on, if truly he is that HAWT!!!