Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What to see in a jam..

Was caught in a crawl while mooching my way into the agency; and as always, the curious side of me could not stop but stared and noticed at almost every car that was on either side of me. Interesting stuff you will see….things that people do when they are stuck in a jam; the best part…they have NO IDEA that the next person is observing them…yours truly Psycho Bitch!

Amongst them:

1. Women applying make-up whilst trying to keep a hand on the wheel…hmmm, I hope that the lighting was good enough for them, else……DISASTER!

2. Nose-digging…EEWWWWWWW…..Yes, a guy, mind you, driving a blardy BMW, was actually digging his nose…and I think if he could he looked like he wanted to stick his whole pinky up his nostril!!!!

3. “Sleep-Driving”…yes, I coined this term, especially for people who drive with their seat COMPLETELY declined DOWN! I almost got a heart attack when, at one point, I ALMOST could not see the driver…the chap was actually in a sleeping position…well, ALMOST! How the hell do you see what’s ahead???

4. And lastly, this is the one I MOST PANTANG!!!!....Mothers seated in front with their small kids!!!!HELLO!!!! Didn’t anyone get the memo…danger!!! Car accident , kid flies out of window, DIES! Parents out there, please use that thing in your skull call brain…your kid’s life is in your hands…you gave it to them…don’t be the one to take it away!

Well, that was my little crawl to work…hope tomorrow’s crawl will give me better something to look at…eye-candy perhaps..or someone who looks like this:

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