Tuesday, June 1, 2010

'Si' lor!

Has anyone of us ever remembered the last time we ever spoke, let alone, write in our beloved national language? Can’t remember? For some of us, SPM was probably the last we ever touched it.

Apparently it has changed a bit, at least when compared amongst the ‘zaman’ of Hammy 3, EL and mine *hmmm…yes my ‘zaman’ was obviously the oldest given I am by default like almost a decade older than both of them (note: ‘almost a decade’ = ‘9 years senior’). Well over a dinner conversation, all 3 of us realized how much the Bahasa has ‘evolved’, to the point that we have ‘pinjam’ some words from Queen E….and how confusing this has become! Don’t believe me, try this:

*Reformation = reformasi

*Situation = situasi

*Interaction = interaksi

*Galaxy = galaksi

*Reaction = reaksi

*Collection = koleksi

*Baggage = bagasi

*Information = informasi

Etc, etc….you get the drift…interesting as I don’t remember these Bahasa words during my ‘zaman’.

But, guess it much easier to allow the nation the ease to learn the language when it is put in a form that is already easily understood and accepted.

Well, like how we’ve noticed, when in doubt, just add a ‘Si’!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah .....
    I wonder why Nation is not translated as NaSI
