Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013...we made it here!

Phew! 2013…we made it here after all. We said goodbye to 2012 and of course, all of us would have received messages of well-wishes, good blessings, blah blah blah…you get the drift.

We have all crossed over to the New Year with hopes and resolutions of better things to come our way whilst we leave the bad stuff of 2012 behind. Some could be more cynical and narcissist about life.

Whether is 2012 or 2013 (and many more years to come), it can only get as good as we all make it. Yes, I can see some of you nodding in agreement, or perhaps some of you may think this Psycho Bitch lives in Fairyland. Whatever you choose to believe, it is a new year after all. Look at it as a clean sheet of paper, a fresh new opportunity for us to draw great colourful stuffs on it or leaving it blank, or maybe, tear that sheet of paper away.

The year had just started, it is still clean, is still good. It is, really, up to us, what we want to draw on this clean sheet of paper.

So, go ahead….make the choice or choices that will best suit you and what works for you. At the end of the day, like my mom would tell me…we must all be able to go to bed with a clean and clear conscience.

Have a blast in 2013 peeps!

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