Sunday, June 27, 2010

Run Hammies Run!

Just did the Standard Chartered KL Marathon on Sunday, 26 June 2010, despite this PB not feeling very well *tis is truly the psycho side of me….thinking what the hell – I can still breathe, well hardly, just bloody go run and suffer!*

So, I did my regular 21km despite feeling flu-ish the day before, with body aching; trust me waking up at bloody 330 am to get ready for the race was nooooo way in hell fun! *but downing Guinness with Panadol the night before kinda, got me quite happeee!!!*

Well, just like any race that I go to, there is always bound to be weird things that happen, amongst which are the followings:

Planning for future run

This took place between Hammy 3 and I as we were pacing each other quite nicely. And at the 8th km mark:

HAMMY 3: eh woman…u sure we wanna do 42 km for Penang Bridge run

PB: Errr….u have signed up, right?

HAMMY 3: I am just pointing out the obvious. The pain is going to be 2x of this!

PB:Hallo! Can u decide quick before I sign up ah? 21km or 42km?

HAMMY 3: *pondering silence*…hmmm..u do realize we have only just PASSED the 8km mark for this race…why the hell are we talking about Penang Bridge Run???

PB: Actually…u are farking right…can we just get thru this ah?

“Hello, PB!”

A guy ran up to me at the 11th km mark with this:


ME: Err…hi! *I didn’t want to be rude and just ignore him ok!*

MALE RUNNER: How are you?

ME: *at this point, I am thinking who the hell is this?? Think PB! I swear I had NO idea at all!*…ehh….I am fine…and you are…?

MALE RUNNER: Oh..u don’t know me..but I have been reading your blog…FUNNY! Keep it up!

And before I could utter anything, he sped off!...leaving me wondering in bewilderment…and mind you, he wasn’t the first person in the entire race (there were others from my RPM classes too) I ran into who actually recognized me from my blog! And to think that I actually didn’t post my actual pix up in my blog!

Well, these are some of the reasons why I race, be it the triathlons or marathons…you never know who you will run into and what kind of silly conversation that Hammy 3 and I will embark on.

So, Hammy 3… stop….42 km? hehehe


  1. Who can forget the RPM instructor with the colorful hair?

    Just to prove that I do read your blog :)

    Keep it up...

  2. hahaha Khoo! thanks...and i still dont know who dat guy was...can't remember lah!
