Monday, April 19, 2010

The 'Kukumber'

Ah…cucumber, also known as Cucumis Sativus that comes from the same family as pumpkin, zucchini and squashes. But, it does not really matter where they came from, more importantly is what this elongated green-ish looking fruit can do for us….as Hammy 3 and I recently discovered whilst enjoying our appetizers, which had cucumbers as part of the recipe:*as always, trust these 2 Hammies to ‘intelligen-ized’ one another LOL*

HAMMY 3: eh! Can do facial …smoothen out the dark spots!

ME: Bloody vain lah you!...Err…can make the body!

HAMMY 3: Makes great salads …:-p

ME: u can’t beat this one…it strengthens our connective tissue…HA!

HAMMY 3: Bet u didn’t know cucumber can also be used in kimchi recipe…hahahahaha!

ME:*This PB was not about to let Hammy 3 win her on this..and thought I had a brilliant answer*…..Ha! but Cucumber helps with reducing water retention in the body! you didn’t know that huh…

HAMMY 3: Huney…no no no…I can SOOOO think of something, that even the ISIS strategist would never ever have thought of….*PB squints her eyes…curious….*…..both you and I can use it for sex purposes …and no huney, I meant used separately..not both of us together LOL!

ME: Thank god! For one moment I thought you decided to turn straight! LOL! Hahaha! Although I reckon your mom will be damn farking happy! So tell tell…

HAMMY 3: U women can use it to satisfy yourself….so can I…..*PB is thinking unless the gay guy is a bottom, I don’t see how that it works*….think woman! Cut the cucumber into half, scrape out the inside and TA DA! What do you get…and empty cucumber that I can use to make me HAPPEEEEEEE!!! And to think is already lubricated! HAHAHAHAHAAH!

I instantaneously dropped the very last piece of cucumber in my hand! Trust Hammy 3 to remotely connect even this innocent mild looking fruit to its ‘natural’ use as a sex toy!

1 comment:

  1. Ewwwwww..... the empty cucumber!!! Ewww ewww ewww
