Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mid life crisis part 2...not again!

I am somewhere between 40 – 50 years old, given my recent health drama, I asked myself, “Am I prepared to try anything at least ONCE?” (as long as it does not kill me!)

After all, when I hit Part One of my mid life crisis 3 years back, I literally walked out of my high-paying executive job, with no thought whatsoever of what I wanted to do, cut my hair short (and had almost everyone thinking I was going lesbo…I DIDN’T AND STILL AM STRAIGHT AS HELL), took up triathlon, ran 4x21km although I was told 10 years ago I will NEVER run again, teaching RPM …and I have never been happier!

Is this then Part Two of my mid life crisis (wait a minute…is there even such thing??)…oh well, who cares if there is or isn’t!

The recent scare with my health is making me re-consider my options in life…”Am I prepared to try anything at least ONCE?” After all, life still has so much to offer me (OOOHH…I can so hear Hammy 3 and LB screaming at me….”slow down woman!”)

So, excuse me while I go figure out my list of “Things to try at least ONCE?”

1 comment:

  1. LB heaving a loud and heavy *sigh* and slumps on the sofa and falls asleep........
