Have you ever wondered how many calories we burn just by doing simple things or chores (and I don’t mean Gym or GX classes!). Well, I decided to do a bit of experiment just now – so I put on my good old Polar Heart Rate Monitor and started with the following chores:
- Hand-washed my cycling pants *not breathless lol* – Duration 2 mins – Calories burned app 15 cals.
- Then proceeded to cut a medium sized papaya, which includes washing, skinning and slicing it to about 6 slices – Duration 20 mins *yes, I know taking 20 mins to do this is shameful…cos PB ain’t very good when it comes to kitchen work lah* - Calories burned was another 65 cals!….*hey it was hard work ok, and I was actually sweating, especially when the papaya skin was tough!*
- Thereafter, sat down to start up my laptop – Duration 20 secs – Calories burned ..hmmm…did not get any reading…hehehe!
- Sat down for good one hour plus, working on a strategy paper which included typing feverishly on laptop, flipping through research papers, grabbing one stack of document after another, browsing back and forth websites & screaming at certain people over the phone – Duration 1 hour *duh…I had mentioned it already!* - Calories burned app 103 cals….*well, it was a very INTENSE paper to write! And lots of brain cells activated!*
Took a break to write this blog…hmm total calories burned app 183 cals….all in less than 2 hours….not bad! And only a little wee bit of sweat….during papaya cutting time and writing strategy paper….hahahaha!!!
So, my point is this - when you don’t feel like going to the gym (AHEM! AHEM! EA….please take note); you can always have the options of washing your cycling pants, cut papaya, activate those brain cells and scream at some people while working…and still burn SOME calories! HAHAHAHAAAAA!
You sweat over writing a strategy paper? :) Must be one helluva difficult assignment!