Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quest for beauty...

“More men into nip and tuck jobs”

“Breast enlargement, botox, liposuction…..”

“Women in their 20’s now clamour for more Botox”

Yes…very interesting news I picked up. Beauty…hmmm…when and where do we start and stop with that? Not only are the women going for plastic surgery, apparently there has been an increase of over 25% with men doing it, and even teenagers have jumped on this bandwagon!...(hmmm, maybe is time I get that liposuction done myself…LOL!)

Over centuries beauty has been defined very differently (I am not even gonna bother with the booorrrinnnng details). My point - what is beauty…is it what you can see, touch and feel? Is it something you see ONLY after you spend a considerable amount of time with someone to find THAT inner beauty?

Nip and tuck jobs to keep your partner happy or to attract the opposite sex some cases ..same sex…*hey, hang on…what happened to nature’s way of helping us to get our partners…THE PHEROMONES??* Or has the competition out there got so strong that we no longer smell each other…*eeewwww….that was not exactly the best thought! Imagine all of us sniffing one another out to find the right partner…hahahahaha!*

Or, are we so caught up with what’s important on the OUTSIDE that we forgot…there is beauty INSIDE …*hey, this sounds like that silly WIMAX radio ad…hahahaha!*

Really, can’t we just enjoy being who we are and try not to mould ourselves into that picture perfect person….cos we will never be satisfied, anyway!

There is so much beauty in the world…it all depends on how you see it…and if you see it around you…just open up those senses and enjoy the beauty surrounding us!

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